IT 101: Databases

Diana Bernardo
3 min readJan 9, 2020

This series of articles is a compilation of the notes I gathered during my programming bootcamp at Green Fox Academy, last year.

You can read the other articles here:

  1. Endpoints
  2. Authentication
  3. Data Flow
  4. Testing

Tables and Fields

  • A database table is composed of records and fields that hold data. Each table in a database holds data about a different, but related, subject.
  • Data is stored in records. A record is composed of fields and contains all the data about one particular item (person, company etc.) in a database. Records appear as rows in the database table.
  • A field is part of a record and contains a single piece of data for the subject of the record. Fields appear as columns in a database table.

CRUD — Create, Read, Update, Delete

  • When we are building APIs, we want our models to provide four basic types of functionality. The model must be able to Create, Read, Update, and Delete resources. Computer scientists often refer to these functions by the acronym CRUD.
  • In a REST environment, CRUD often corresponds to the HTTP methods POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE, respectively. These are the fundamental elements of a persistent storage system.


